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          PANCHAKANYA: HDPE Pipe NS40 PN10: 32MM

          SIZE(Outer Diameter): 32MM
          Wall thickness(mm): 2.65 Approx.
          Weight(Kg/mtr): 0.235 Approx.
          Manufacturer: PANCHAKANYA
          Delivery date: 1-2 days
          NRs 80
            • NS-40:2042
            • PN10
            • SIZE(Outer Diameter): 32MM
            • Wall thickness(mm): 2.65 Approx.
            • Weight(Kg/mtr): 0.235 Approx.


          The pipes are black in colour possessing a smooth internal and external surface. The pipes have a designed lifespan of 50 years at 27 Degree centigrade and for a stress of over 50 KG/cm square. They have this perfect homogenous pipe joints with same properties as the pipe and fitting and are as strong.


                • Features<
                Light in Weight (Wt. 1/7th of G.I pipe) Excellent corrosion and chemical resistance Inert to most acidic and alkaline solutions High flow characteristics Light in weight Easy to handle & transport Excellent flexibility combined with strength Smooth inner walls - minimizes frictional losses Safe for potable water supply Resistance to Microorganisms Free from any Odour and Taste Tough. Maintenance Free Properties of the pipe


          HDPE Pipes are enormously useful in Bore Well, Water Supply, Lift Irrigation, Sprinkler, Drip Irrigation, Pesticide Dispersal, Sewerage/Drainage, Cable Ducting, Natural & other gases etc. and are great for the urban and rural areas.


                • Application<

          Potable water supply

          Air-conditioning & Refrigeration

          Telecommunication conduits

          Extraction of Fumes

          Water mains


          Flood Irrigation (Suction & Delivery pipes in pump sets)

          Petrochemical Industry

          Sprinkler Irrigation (Crops, Lawns, Golf course, Gardens)

          Domestic Sewage System

          Drip irrigation (Plantations, Orchards, Nurseries) Service Pipes

          Sanitary System

          Fertilizer Industry


          Panchakanya HDPE pipes and fittings come with NS marks and are manufactured by the latest technology to comply with the international standard specification using world's best virgin polymer in the company's modern plant situated at Kotihawa, Bhairahawa. The quality of the product is controlled at every step of production and tested in the well-equipped laboratory under the supervision of skilled and experienced technicians.

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